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Few weeks to go!
Welcome back, students! We added a few things to the play area over summer, so the children have more outdoor opportunities. Of course,...

See you after Fall break!
In a few days time this place will be buzzing. The classroom, the playground and all the activities waiting for you to pick up where you...

Vocabulary grows one syllable at a time.
Funny thing, language. We put together vowels and consonants like Lego bricks. But there's more to language than 'construction.' Letters...

The math brain at work
Watching the children work with numbers is always an eye opener. For other children, and even the adults in the room. Math may seem...

Learning never stops, indoors and outdoors
The year has flown by. You've probably seen more pictures of the classroom adjusting to COVID-19 on the school's Instagram account. Or...

From tiny seeds to tall sprouts
Nothing makes a case for the hands-on nature of a Montessori environment than something like this. During the distance learning classes...

School reopens August 5th
Li'l Sprouts Montessori is often seen as the kind of school for parents seeking a small-school environment. We are state licensed, and...

Our backyard harvest
As we prepare to start school in August, the fruit trees have sprung some surprises - despite the July temperatures.

Student work worth sharing
We often ask parents for feedback on how distance learning is going. The comments and suggestions are very useful. And encouraging. But...

As the season changes, what's in our schoolyard?
Dear students, we know you miss being here. See how our 'edible school yard' has been changing while you've been gone! Last week, the...
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