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What 'work' does a child do in a day?
We get asked this question a lot, especially by new parents, or parents new to Montessori. Unlike traditional school, there is no 'theme'...

Learning from the Hundred Board
A young mind is able to grasp math concepts during what is called the 'sensitive period' of development. One of the tools we use is the...

Science - never too early for it
Ingredients: Two AA batteries. One motor. A few connectors. Big imaginations! During the last week of school, the students got quite...

School pictures on last day!
The last day is always bitter-sweet. This year the timing was right to also get our end-of-year pictures, thanks to one of our parents.

Working with Phonograms
It's always gratifying to see a little one grasping the concept of a 'phonogram.' Here is one of my students at work....
So Montessori isn't day care?
The first question a parent who hears about Montessori asks is “what’s the difference between a day care and a Montessori?” It depends on...
That disturbing connection between screen time and education gains for your child
How much time does your child spend with a screen? A study published in 2014, by a nonprofit outfit institute (affiliated with the...
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